The Big List of Cross-hand Knob Charts
Notable or recommended charts with cross-hand patterns.

Last updated: Mar 2022
Cross-hand knob charts, where one hand needs to reach for the opposite side's knob, are one of the more technically unique patterns of SOUND VOLTEX charting. These patterns become more common starting Lv16–17, and by the time the game reaches Lv18–19 they become an ordinary pattern thrown in once every so often.
Cross-hand patterns require more time to react and execute, making them harder to sight-read and often requiring memorisation. This has led to some cross-hand-heavy charts being a you-love-it-or-you-hate-it.
In some cases, if your hand is big enough, it's possible to use one hand to turn a knob while holding the FX button on the same side. This can be useful in some charts (such as #Endroll EXH), though learning how to cross-hand knob properly is still recommended.
This post is a list of notable cross-hand charts, as well as some recommended charts for practicing the pattern. Note that due to length I've had to cut out a lot of 18s, where the pattern is far more commonplace. The list is sorted by level, then song added date.
西日暮里の踊り (EXH 12)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 140
Links: YouTube (DDX),

This was Hirayasu Matsudo's first ever chart, and it features two cross-hand knobs that take place while the other hand holds double FX.
Clione Hommarju Remix (EXH 12)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 170
Links: YouTube (LIRINSKY),

There's only a small bit going on here, but it's reflective of BOOTH times where charting at (nowadays) lower difficulties was more whack.
second spring storm (EXH 12)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 131
Links: YouTube (DDX),

The ending of second spring storm has four consecutive cross-hand knobs. Fortunately the pattern is repetitive, but it's still non-trivial for the level.
悪いところがひとつもない!(EXH 14)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 180
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Another early level for cross-hand knobs to start appearing, but here we are. Fortunately they're not that fast, but they'll likely catch you off-guard at this level.
Cross-handedness: ★★★★☆
BPM: 185
Links: YouTube (DDX),

It's rare for a 15 to have this many cross-hand knobs, so this is a perfect introduction to the pattern. All the cross-hands come at a similar beat within the song, making their timing predictable. The L/R analog device indicators that pop up on the side are actually quite useful for this chart.
Dignity (EXH 16)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 193
Links: YouTube (DDX),

For a 16, Dignity's main cross-hand section requires quite fast hand speeds. The chart overall is fairly hard for a 16.
Juggler's Madness (EXH 16)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 250
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Juggler's makes you cross-hand while the other hand holds down BTs. As a Lite Show Magic song, the chart also has its fair share of one-sided patterns.
真っ白な靴 (EXH 16)
Cross-handedness: ★★★☆☆
BPM: 226
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Masshiro na Kutsu's cross-hands come at a steady, predictable timing and the chart is not that hard for a 16, making this chart also a good introduction to the pattern.
Unleashed Redness (EXH 16)
Cross-handedness: ★★★☆☆
BPM: 185
Links: YouTube (DDX)
The sequel to INFINITY OVERDRIVE, after 8 years. While the song has a similar vibe to its predecessor, leading to similar cross-hand timings, the chart doesn't repeat the same pattern as much which makes it more visually complex.
Innocent Tempest (EXH 17)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 165
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Innocent Tempest has around three small cross-hand bits, the most notable of which is pictured above since it requires the non-knob hand to press BT buttons at the same time.
The chart overall requires a lot of hand movement, making it rather difficult for a 17.
Cross-handedness: ★★★★☆
BPM: 185
Links: YouTube (DDX),

This is a powered-up version of the EXH chart, making full use of knob mechanics introduced in GRAVITY WARS that allow knobs to start on the opposite side. This means that not all of the slams are actually cross-hand, which adds to the confusion, though once you play it a few times you'll realise that there's still a pattern to it.
No way (MXM 17)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 160
Links: YouTube (DDX),

There's a central section of four cross-hand slams that come on the beat which are good for practicing.
ハレ トキドキ メランコリック (MXM 17)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 150
Links: YouTube (DDX),

The entire ending to this chart is just slow cross-hands while the other hand executes different holds. Once you get used to it you'll find that this section gives both a lot of gauge and score, making it one of the easiest 17s to both clear and S.
鏡面の波(ramble mix)(MXM 17)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 175
Links: YouTube (DDX),

This chart has the same cross-hand section twice, making one hand hold two BTs while the other hand executes knobs shaped like the number 7.
MOVE! (We Keep It Movin') (MXM 17)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 142
Links: YouTube (DDX),

MOVE! has an interesting section in the middle where one hand performs a number of VOL-R cross-hand slams while the other hand executes patterns on B+C.
スノウイコン (MXM 17)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 164
Links: YouTube (DDX)
There's a motif that's repeated throughout the song and the cross-hand comes at the end of it each time, just like its chart back in MÚSECA. The cross-hand patterns are relatively simple, so this is a good practice chart on the easier end of Lv17s.
魔理沙は大変なものを盗んでいきました (GRV 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★☆☆
BPM: 170
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Marisa Stole the Precious Thing is only here for one section, but it's one heck of a section. Fortunately the pattern is consistent – un-cross-handing every fourth knob – but the movement required is quite fast and it's also easy to get confused on the holds-pressing hand.
#Fairy_dancing_in_lake (VVD 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★☆☆
BPM: 142
Links: YouTube (DDX),

#Fairy is a very hard sight-read, even from the get-go. A lot of this chart's difficulty is from its hard knobs and unique one-sided patterns, but there are cross-hands interspersed throughout. In particular, the ending (pictured above) has a rather long cross-hand section.
最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S (GRV 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★☆☆
BPM: 200
Links: YouTube (DDX),
Like 真っ白な靴 GRV, this song's cross-hand slams come at a steady, predictable timing in its chorus. Once you get used to it, it's one of the easier 18s to score on.
tricky trick (EXH 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 165
Links: YouTube (DDX),

tricky trick has a somewhat long and confusing cross-hand section towards the end if you're not prepared for it. Note that the middle has the left knob slam twice in a row.
Opium and purple haze (GRV 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★☆
BPM: 165
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Opium's GRV chart is very knob-heavy, with long but simple cross-hand sections. For people who are better at knobs than buttons, it's often an early clear/AAA/S target.
Note that Opium EXH is a buttons (in fact, jacks) chart and is nothing like the GRV.
#Endroll (EXH 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★★
BPM: 170
Links: YouTube (DDX),

#Endroll's cross-hand section comes at the very end, but it's such a long section that it's infamous for it. In fact, the switching happens so fast that some degree of familiarity with the song is required.
One of my favourite ways of tackling the ending comes from this Rizu Channel video – instead of trying to remember which colours to use, it's easier to remember how many times to do a certain knob, since that follows a set pattern. Also, only the third set requires releasing then pressing the same FX button later.
Prayer (EXH 18)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 144
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Prayer's chorus is a tricky sight-read because the knob suddenly changes colour, but fortunately the pattern is consistent and predictable thereafter.
The Formula (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 144
Links: YouTube (DDX),

While The Formula is overall an easier Lv18, its cross-hand section can be a little confusing since the holds follow the music and are sometimes offbeat. However, as long as you remember that the slam changes knob each time, you should be fine.
Juggler's Madness (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★★
BPM: 250
Links: YouTube (DDX),

One of the more confusing cross-hand charts in the game, Juggler's is by no means an easy sight-read. It's possible that you'll need to develop muscle memory after playing the chart a few times. The song is also quite fast, putting the chart overall well into the harder end of the 18s.
Cross-handedness: ★★★☆☆
BPM: 170
Links: YouTube (DDX),

BEAST BASS BOMB is pretty much a harder version of Opium and purple haze GRV, in that the cross-hands all happen while the other hand is executing a long hold, and the rest of the chart is very knob-heavy.
BBB may look confusing at first, but if you sit down and look at it properly you'll find that a lot of the knob patterns are simpler than they appear, e.g. the start of measure 9 which is just both knobs simultaneously anticlockwise. Additionally, the buttons + slam parts go from 4-per-hand before switching hands, to 2-per-hand then finally switching after each hand past measure 59.
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 155
Links: YouTube (DDX),

SSS is a rather technical chart in terms of knobs and one-handed trills. There's only really two cross-hand bits, one near the beginning and one near the end (the latter of which is pictured). Note that the slams after the trills in the above pic are more easily taken if one of each pair is cross-handed.
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 182
Links: YouTube (DDX),

STULTI is only on this list for one reason – the above trill section, which was unique before Lancelot came along. This trill takes time to get used to, and some players even resort to ignoring the knobs for the sake of AAA/S score goals.
†渚の小悪魔ラヴリィ~レイディオ† (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 190
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Nagisa no Koakuma throws in the odd cross-hand here and there, with the section above being the longest of them.
Catch Our Fire! (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 190
Links: YouTube (DDX),

With a pattern similar to that in MOVE!, there's a section here where the right hand taps B+C a few times while the left hand is crossed.
真っ白な靴 (GRV 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★☆☆
BPM: 226
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Like the EXH, the cross-hands happen at predictable timings, and in the GRV they're just single slams. The hardest part of the GRV is the ending buttons + laser slams section, which switches hands fast.
Jacob's Elevator (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 193
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Much like MOVE!, Jacob's Elevator gets a mention here due to its opening section, where partway at measure 6 buttons are expected to be hit with the right hand while the left hand executes slams on VOL-R.
ユメブキ (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 200
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Yumebuki gets a shoutout on this post for its short cross-hand section that appears twice. The sections require such fast execution that memorising where there are in the song is practically mandatory.
スカーレット警察のゲットーパトロール24時 (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★★
BPM: 160
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Scarlet Police is a rare chart where you're expected to execute a simple but non-trivial knob pattern crosshanded, while executing simple buttons with your other hand. While it is possible to just take the knob with the usual hand and move your other hand across to hit the buttons, the chart makes this tricky to do without some planning. See what works for you, though personally I find the cross-handing on this chart quite fun when you get used to it.
As a fun fact, the knobs for this song follow the singers, with blue being Cirno and red being Remilia. Be sure to check out the song's MV for some sick dance moves!
Unleashed Redness (MXM 18)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★★
BPM: 185
Links: YouTube (DDX)
As a sequel to INFINITY OVERDRIVE there's unsurprisingly a lot of cross-hand slams in this chart, and while the timings at which they come within the song are similar, the ways in which they come are a lot more complex. Instead of a hold leading into a slam, you've now got cross-hand slams while the other hand is performing a slow jack or trill.
Be careful with the opening FX presses – there's no FX beneath the slam so you need to skip a beat!
Innocent Tempest (VVD 19)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★☆
BPM: 180
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Innocent Tempest VVD is very much a powered-up version of the EXH, and features much more cross-hands thrown in here or there. The above is perhaps the most notable cross-hand section, seemingly designed so that all the BTs and the VOL-R slams are to be taken with the left hand. However, some players prefer to quickly switch hands on the hold and deal with the ending VOL-L slam with their left pinky or some other method.
Lancelot ~Flame of the Rebellion~(MXM 19)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 206
Links: YouTube (DDX),

Lancelot's infamous section is similar to STULTI's, but the trills are both harder and the slams are more frequent making it much more difficult to time.
Ghost Family Living in Graveyard (MXM 19)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★★
BPM: 238
Links: YouTube (DDX),

GFLIG's difficulty comes from a combination of hard knobs, a fast-yet-tricky BoF section and a lot of one-sided patterns. The chart has an notable break in the middle which consists entirely of cross-hand patterns (half of which are cheesable), but the ending is where the difficulty rears its head as the cross-hands there are fast.
Some have joked that the sight-read difficulty of this chart is 21, but even as a 19 this chart is very much on the harder end of the scale.
Daisycutter (MXM 19)
Cross-handedness: ★★★★☆
BPM: 191
Links: YouTube (DDX),

The back half of Daisycutter MXM has a lot of patterns which look as though they were designed to be played with both hands crossed. For example, for the pattern starting measure 61, after the left hand takes both VOL-L and VOL-R, some players use their right hand to take the following VOL-L slam, since that means their left hand doesn't have to move to take measure 62.
The rest of the chart is mostly difficult knob patterns and jumpy one-handed patterns, making the chart unique in its knob-heaviness for a 19.
Cross-handedness: ★☆☆☆☆
BPM: 198
Links: YouTube (DDX),

To really drive home how commonplace cross-hand knobs become at higher levels, WHITEOUT MXM has a section where the buttons alone would be fairly standard Lv16 charting, but with a layer of cross-hand knobs on top. In this section it's possible to switch your hands back after each cross-hand (e.g. after C+D in measure 39), though you don't have to.
I (MXM 20)
Cross-handedness: ★★☆☆☆
BPM: 225
Links: YouTube (DDX),

I MXM has a notable #Endroll-like cross-hand knob section which is fairly simple but is quite fast.
The chart also features cross-hand BT trills just a bit before this, though some players circumvent those by taking the knob with their other hand.